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Featured Listings

Featured Listings

  • Run as many Featured Listings as required in relevant categories,
  • List in either a Top Level Category or Subcategory,
  • The title contains your most important keyword phrase and or business name - as the anchor text,
  • Up to 1500 characters in which to present your products or services in detail,
  • All Featured Listings are displayed above all Standard Listings,
  • Featured Listings are displayed first in search results.

Getting Started:

  1. Select Featured Listing placement,
  2. Click the "Buy Now" Link,
  3. Make payment,
  4. Submit your Featured Listing.

Purchasing Multiple Featured Listings

If you would like to purchase multiple Featured Listings just add the "Quantity" you would like on checkout.

Featured Listing Placements

1. Featured Listing Top Level Category

  • Placement: Placed in a top level category.
  • Including: Arts, Automotive, Business, Computers, Games, Health & Beauty, Home, Internet, Kids & Teens, News, Real Estate, Recreation, Reference, Science, Shopping, Society, Sports. Travel

Subscription: 1 year = $24.95
Permanent Listing One Time Fee = $95.95

2. Featured Listing Subcategory

  • Placement: In a Subcategory, below a top level category.
  • Example: Top Level Category: Business >> Subcategory: Accounting
  • Thus the link will be placed in the Subcategory: "Accounting"

Subscription: 1 year = $19.95 Inc. (Ohio, USA) is a payment facilitator for goods and services provided by