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Neighborly Home Care

Neighborly Home Care

Provides professional home health care services in Pennsylvania and Delaware.

The company’s experienced caregivers offer compassionate and skilled senior care, private duty hospital care, senior transportation services, and elder care for disabled adults, with 24-hour home care support available for urgent needs. Our caregiver agency hires home care providers who are certified nurse assistants, caregivers, or have equivalent training and all are screened and employed directly by NHC. Each one is compassionate and committed to improving the safety and quality of life of our elderly clients. We meet with the families of adults needing care, learn about the specific unique needs, and match them with the right caregiver. We understand the difficulty of trusting another person with the wellbeing of your loved one. We are committed to providing our clients with a safe environment, companionship, and whatever level of assistance is needed to allow them to maintain some autonomy and remain at home where they feel most comfortable.

Category & Tags:   Caregivers    home health care services
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